About this group
Duration of QRA support: 2021-2023
Organisers: Graeme Swindles (Lead), Angela Gallego-Sala, Tom Roland, Alice Milner, Paul Morris, Helen Roe and Gill Plunkett.
The main aim of PEaT is to draw together scientists from the UK and beyond who are actively researching peatland ecosystems. PEaT’s remit is broad and covers peatland ecology and palaeoecology, dating and chronology, carbon dynamics, geochemistry, hydrology and archaeology. They are particularly keen to develop ideas and concepts that link the past to the present and future state of global peatlands.
Scientific Themes
- Response of peatlands to past-present-future climate change and other anthropogenic impacts;
- Fire in peatland ecosystems;
- Dating of peatlands;
- Proxy development and refinement;
- Combining contemporary ecology and palaeoecology for understanding peatland ecosystems;
- Pathways of peatland initiation;
- The ultimate resolution of peatlands and controls on peat and carbon accumulation rates;
- Understanding the moorland ecosystems of Northern Britain;
- Peatland archaeology and human-environment interactions.
PEaT aims to meet annually to discuss pertinent questions in peatland science and work on joint initiatives and publications. They will also interface with members of the public and policy specialists.
Get Involved
If you would like find out more this research group’ activities or get involved with upcoming events please contact the QRA or the lead organiser of the group.