About the award
The Quaternary Conference Fund is available to assist with attendance at conferences and field meetings. Priority will be given to those with limited alternative sources of funding. Priority will also be given to QRA-sponsored conferences and field meetings.
Award Amount
The maximum award amount is £900. Multiple grants may be made in each awards round.
Full members of the QRA of at least 12 month’s standing are eligible to apply. Postgraduate members should apply to the Postgraduate Quaternary Conference Fund.
Application details
Application details will be taken via the online form including the name and dates of the conference, the title of your paper/poster contribution, and the abstract for your presentation (up to 150 words). You must also enter a breakdown of the main budget components, indicating any other funding sources sought or obtained.
Reporting requirements
Recipients will be required to submit a short report of expenditure to the Awards Officer at awards@qra.org.uk not more than 3 months after completion of the conference/meeting. Once the report has been received, members will be eligible to apply immediately for other QRA awards (i.e. the usual 12 month moratorium on further applications does not apply).
Application deadlines
Twice per year on 15th February and 15th September.
Interested in applying?
QRA members can apply for grants using our online application forms on our website.