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The QRA sponsors a range of regular publications including the Quaternary Newsletter (QN), field guides, and technical guides.  Membership to the QRA also allows for free access to the Journal of Quaternary Science.

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Browse the variety of published QRA field and technical guides which over a wide range of topics & geographical regions.

Journal of Quaternary Science (JQS)

The JQS is published on behalf of the QRA by Wiley-Blackwell and Members of the QRA at can subscribe to the JQS for a reduced rate. Postgraduate member rates are even lower.

The Quaternary Newsletter

The Quaternary Newsletter (QN), is a QRA publication published three times a year (February, June and October). QN contains articles and reports submitted by members.

QRA Weekly Email

The QRA Weekly Email contains information on upcoming PhD positions, job opportunities, meetings & events allied to Quaternary Science.  You must be a QRA member in order to receive the email, so if you are interested in receiving this please sign-up or renew your membership.