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Quaternary Research Small Grant

About the award

The Quaternary Research Small Grant is available to all members of the QRA of at least one year’s standing, irrespective of age and status, to foster research in any area of Quaternary studies. Grants can be used to fund expenses such as field expeditions, equipment hire, and laboratory analysis. Please note that: (i) we are not able to accept applications for radiocarbon dates (these are normally expected to be routed through NERC); and (ii) we do not generally fund labour costs, except in exceptional circumstances.

Award Amount

The maximum award amount is £1,650. Multiple grants may be made in each awards round.


Full members of the QRA of at least 12 month’s standing are eligible to apply. Postgraduate members should apply to the New Research Workers Grant.

Application details

The online application form will take your details including project title, proposed dates for the scheduled work, a breakdown of the main budget costs, and a 100 word project summary. You must also prepare a Case for Support that outlines the science case for the research and explain fully how the funds will be used. This should be no more than two sides of A4, 12 point single-spaced, including figures and references. The Case for Support should be uploaded as a single file not exceeding 50Mb. 

Reporting requirements

Successful applicants will be expected to submit a brief report (500-800 words) for publication in Quaternary Newsletter during the 12 months following expenditure of the grant. Applicants are encouraged to submit full-length articles to Quaternary Newsletter, which will be subject to the normal refereeing procedure for QN articles. Applicants submitting full-length articles are not required to submit the brief report in addition. The report should be submitted to the Awards Officer at The applicant will not be eligible to receive further QRA funds for 12 months after the receipt of the report.

Application deadlines

Twice per year on 15th February and 15th September.

Interested in applying?

QRA members can apply for grants using our online application forms on our website.