1. No more than one grant will be awarded to an individual QRA member in any one calendar year.
2. Applications will be considered by an Awards Panel drawn from the QRA Executive Committee, including the Awards Officer and other members of the Grants, Prizes and Outreach Subcommittee.
3. Applications for awards can be submitted at any time and will be considered by the Awards Panel as follows:
Grants: two times per year (main deadlines are the 15th February and 15th September)
Prize nominations for the James Croll and Lewis Penny Medals: 15th September
4. Please note that: (i) with the exception of applications for the QRA 14CHRONO Centre Radiocarbon Dating Grant, we are not able to accept applications for radiocarbon dates (these are normally expected to be routed through the NEIF); (ii) we do not generally fund labour costs of research, except in exceptional circumstances; (iii) the QRA is pleased to support caring costs in the framework of all grants, wherever these can facilitate research or conference activities, either in conjunction with or independent of other research costs. Examples of eligible caring costs that can be applied for include, but are not limited to:
- Children’s travel costs to accompany the applicant on fieldwork/conferences (including related costs like vaccinations)
- Expenses for an accompanying adult to provide childcare in the field
- Childcare costs at home, whilst you travel, over and above what is normally required to do your job, e.g. nursery or childminder fees
- Care costs for elderly/ill relative while you travel, over and above what is normally required to do your job
5. The QRA will not consider retrospective applications, i.e. to support activities that will already have occurred prior to the deadline date. Furthermore, in order to encourage well-planned and properly budgeted projects, the QRA will not consider applications for activities that will take place within 2 months of the deadline date. Please note that this rule does not apply to the QRA-14CHRONO Centre Radiocarbon Dating Grant thus, enabling applicants to apply for radiocarbon dating of samples that have already, or are soon to be collected.
6. Results of each grant round will normally be available within 1 month of the deadline.
7. Funded activities must correspond to the proposal and no funds may be transferred to alternative activities or uses without permission. Any changes to the nature or schedule of funded activities must be approved by the Awards Panel.
8. Where indicated in their award letter, successful applicants must submit a written report or article (suitable for publication in Quaternary Newsletter) and/or a statement of expenditure, by a specified deadline.
9. No further applications for any grants will be considered until applicants have completed their reporting obligations. Postgraduate members will be eligible to apply for other grants immediately on receipt of the required statement, report or article. Full members (non-postgraduate) may not submit further applications within 12 months of completing their reporting obligations, with the exception of the Quaternary Conference Fund, for which recipients will be eligible to apply for other grants immediately on completion of reporting obligations.
10. Postgraduate members of the QRA are those registered for a postgraduate degree (MSc, MPhil, or PhD); postgraduate status is considered to end on submission of the respective dissertation or thesis.
11. The financial support from the QRA should be acknowledged in any publication, poster or presentation arising from funded activities.