Keep up to date with the latest events at QRA.
Exploring the Quaternary through postgraduate research
This year’s postgraduate conference is going to be held on the 7-8th September 2023 at Durham University and welcomes all postgraduate, and undergraduate researchers to present their Quaternary research. This short, two-day conference is a great opportunity for ECRs to present work in a relaxed and unintimidating environment. Whether this be your undergraduate or masters presentation, one of your PhD sites or proxy records, or a new method or technique you are developing – we want to hear it all!
This event will offer a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and can encourage potential collaboration opportunities, build friendships, and develop skills in our postgraduate training workshop.
Tickets are available from 5th June via Eventbrite.
Cost: £10 for members, £20 for non-members
For more information please contact Laura Boyall ( or Holly Jenkins (